If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase we are here to help.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
You can return the items for a refund within 14 days of delivery or pick up. Return shipping costs apply and the cost depends on your location. The item must be in its original condition and packaging to be accepted. Also your item needs to have the receipt or proof of purchase.
Once we have received your item, we will inspect it and notify you that we have received your returned item. We will immediately notify you on the status of your refund after inspecting the item.
If your return is approved we will initiate a refund to your M-pesa (or original method of payment). How do I return an item?
Items must be sent back within 14 days of their delivery or pick up to be eligible for a refund and it must come in its original packaging.
My item arrived Damaged/Defective.
We work hard to ensure your items arrive in perfect condition, but we understand that isn’t always the case. To report a damaged or defective item please write us back to: hustoonlineshoppingmall@gmail.com
I received an incomplete order or wrong item. If you’re missing an item, it’s possible that not all of them have shipped. Also, if you receive a wrong item, please write us back to hustoonlineshoppingmall@gmail.com or call us at 0708848745